
Jetstream is a full-featured, enterprise-level CRM made especially for institutions of Higher Education.  With its intuitive interface, automations, and reporting, your entire team can easily keep track of every aspect of your contacts, every step of the way in their educational career.


Student Communications & Activities

  • Build custom email or text message campaigns
  • Numerous customizable fields
  • Upload documents and record notes per student
  • Send and receive emails with students
  • Log phone calls and meetings
  • Track grades
  • View all survey results and other posts
  • Assign "Tasks" (which behave like tickets) to other members of staff, where they can change priority level, due date, leave comments and more


Staff Functionality

  • Dashboard widgets visualize a number of criteria
  • Clean, elegant interface
  • Automated "Alerts" grab your team's attention
  • Create custom "Automations" when data is updated
  • Various built-in reports
  • Create your own custom reports


Administrator Functionality

  • Add/Remove unlimited team members
  • Manage user roles and permissions
  • Impersonate any user to see exactly what they see


Technical and Accessibility Features

  • Integrates with campus and 3rd party systems
  • Load data from your campus SIS or send out mass emails or texts
  • All data stored in FERPA-compliant SOC-2 or better servers
  • Runs in the cloud on fast, state-of-the-art hardware
  • Nothing to install on campus and minimal involvement from IT staff
  • Custom programming to exactly match your needs


 Schedule your demo of Jetstream today!