What is Jetstream?

Jetstream is a new kind of CRM (Customer relationship management) system, designed specifically for Higher Education.  Most existing CRMs (like Salesforce, Hubspot, etc) focus primarily on the business world, and attracting customers to your brand.

But Jetstream goes well beyond that.  It's data collection, reporting, workflows, and automations are all centered around Higher Ed students-- prospective, current, inactive, and graduated.  As such, the web-based software is tailor-made for the types of encounters and engagements needed by Higher Education.


How Does it Work?

Jetstream is a web-based software system.  There's nothing to install on campus-- it runs entirely in the cloud on industry-leading Amazon AWS servers.  If you have a web browser and can access the Internet, you can use Jetstream.

Security is a top concern, so each installation of Jetstream is unique.  Our clients do not "share" servers with each other; each client has their own, unique installation of Jetstream, backed up daily, and customized to fit your institution's unique needs.


How Much Does it Cost?

We know costs are a concern for every institution-- from small community colleges to large multi-university systems.  We are very proud to say that Jetstream is one of the most affordable options available, especially when considering it is designed especially for Higher Education.  That said, every school is different.  For a free quote and to answer any questions, you can contact us here as well as schedule a short demo to see all that we have to offer!


A Brief History

Jetstream was developed by FlightPath Academics (creators of FlightPath, the open source student advising and success platform), for the University of Louisiana System's Compete LA program.  The Compete LA program manages data for certain populations of prospective and current students across nine different campuses in the state of Louisiana.

Compete LA had been using a different CRM which just wasn't friendly to use, nor had the support they needed to be effective.  So they decided to leave their former CRM company and collaborate with FlightPath Academics to create the new CRM, Jetstream, to both save money and fit their requirements.  This is why we say Jetstream is made especially for Higher Ed-- it was literally built from scratch to the exact needs of the University of Louisiana System.


 Schedule your demo of Jetstream today!



JetstreamTM is a registered trademark of FlightPath Academics.